Otitis in dogs and cats

The cause of ear infections (otitis externa) in dogs and cats is multifactorial and involves different situations:

Allergic skin diseases.

Bacterial and yeast infections or parasites.

Excessive moisture.

Foreign body in the ear canal.

Otitis or ear infections can be very painful and itchy for your pet.

You may notice that your pet shakes its head frequently, rubs its ear, has an unpleasant smell, redness, a brown/black secretion or even pus coming from the ear.

Treatment of otitis in dogs and cats includes combatting the bacterial and/or yeast infection or parasites if they are involved, and relief of the inflammation and pain.

Medicated ear drops are generally sufficient, but in some cases your pet will need to take oral medication to reduce inflammation of the ear canal.

Treatment of the primary cause such as allergies is essential in order to reduce relapses, as well as a regular ear hygiene to keep the ear canal clean and to maintain a healthy microclimate, using ear cleaners.

To clean your pet´s ears at home, always follow your vet´s instructions and use only veterinary products.

V-SKIN product that can help you



Aloe Vera