Skin problems in dogs and cats are one of the main reasons to visit the vet every year.

Changes in your pet´s skin and coat as well as a change in your pet´s behaviour may indicate that he/she is suffering from an ear or skin problem. If you have doubts about the behaviour of your dog or cat or if you think it may be suffering from a disease, we recommend that you visit your veterinarian.

Some signs of a possible ear or skin disease in your dog or cat

  • Itching:

    If your pet frequently scratches all over its body, licks a lot or bites its skin, he/she could be suffering from a skin problem. The intensity of the itching could be such that sometimes wounds can occur on the skin because of scratching/licking and not from the disease itself.

  • Flaky and greasy skin:

    When excessive dandruff appears or the coat of your dog or cat becomes greasy and dull or even malodorous, it may be a sign of the presence of a keratinisation disorder, usually secondary to other processes. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a Malassezia yeast overgrowth.

  • Ear infections:

    If your dog or cat frequently suffers from otitis , it is likely that the cause is related to a skin allergy, but it can also be something else!

  • Hair loss:

    Some skin problems can cause hair loss or bald patches.

  • Wounds:

    Wounds can develop due to the scratching, but can also be a consequence of skin infections or systemic diseases.

  • Other symptoms to watch out for: 

    Scabs or rashes, warmer areas, redness or swelling, dryness or irritation, changes in skin colour…

Some common dermatological problems in dogs and cats

Atopic dermatitis in dogs and cats

Flaky skin in dogs and cats

Otitis in dogs and cats

Skin infections in dogs and cats

Wounds in dogs and cats

V-SKIN dermatological solutions for dogs and cats

LIVISTO Dermatology line for pets.

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