Flaky skin in dogs and cats

The presence of dandruff and a greasy appearence
of your pet´s skin is called seborrhoea.

So, dandruff and seborrhoea in dogs and cats are skin disorders that occur when there is a defect of keratinisation which is the process by which the protective outer layer of the skin is constantly renewed by new skin cells.

Keratinisation disorders are characterised by alterations in surface lipids and excessive scale production.

Many diseases can be associated with scaling and seborrhea, which can be either primary (e.g., in genetic diseases such as ichtyosis) or, most often, secondary (e.g., in allergic dermatosis, hypothyroidism).

The exact treatment your vet prescribes will depend on your pet’s symptoms and how long they need to be treated for. It can be a very tricky problem, requiring patience and perseverance.

Although recognition and  treatment of the cause responsible for the disease is essential, symptomatic topical therapy with antiseborrhoeic formulations is always needed in order to rehydrate and repair your pet´s flaky skin and to alleviate the symptoms.

The active ingredients necessary for topical treatment should be keratolytic substances combined with moisturisers, emollients and antiseptics.

It is essential to repair and restore the damaged skin barrier.

Seborrhoeic problems in dogs have been associated with a significantly higher Malassezia yeast presence compared to healthy dogs. Similar associations have been described in cats with seborrhoeic disorders.

If a Malassezia overgrowth is present, you may need to bathe your pet with special shampoos and to use sprays as a complement to the treatment.

V-SKIN product that can help you



GlucoZinc spray